Superpower Wiki
"If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful then you can possibly imagine."
― Obi Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
"He's a man whose strength comes from overcoming his limits time and time in countless near death situations on the battlefield."
― Ri Shin to Kyou Kai on Rin Ko (Kingdom)

The ability to become more powerful from having a near death experience and/or dying. Variation of Damage Empowerment. Not to be confused with Death Empowerment or Resurrection Empowerment.

Also Called[]

  • Dying Empowerment
  • Self-Death Empowerment
  • Moribund Empowerment
  • Zenkai/Saiyan Power (Dragon Ball series)


The user is capable of growing more powerful as a direct result of either having a near death experience or outright dying but surviving the experience. This empowerment may result in a general increase in one's power, or it can even lead to users unlocking new abilities.




  • May be useless if the user is unable to be revived.

Known Users[]

