The power to use the abilities of the Nemean Lion. Variation of Mythical Bestiary and Lion Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Nemean Lion Mimicry
User with this ability either is or can transform into the Nemean Lion, a vicious mythological leonine monster in Greek mythology that lived at Nemea, whose hide was impervious to weapons, and had claws sharper than mortals' swords, capable of cutting through any armor.
The lion is usually considered to have been the offspring of Typhon (or Orthrus) and Echidna; it is also said to have fallen from the moon as the offspring of Zeus and Selene, or alternatively born of the Chimera.
- Apex Predator Physiology
- Elemental Immunity
- Feline Physiology
- Apathy
- Burrowing
- Cat Falling
- Claw Retraction/Extension
- Danger Detection
- Enhanced Accuracy
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Balance
- Enhanced Coordination
- Enhanced Dexterity
- Enhanced Endurance
- Enhanced Flexibility
- Enhanced Instincts
- Enhanced Leap
- Enhanced Mobility
- Enhanced Motor Skills
- Enhanced Precision
- Enhanced Proprioception
- Enhanced Reflexes
- Enhanced Repositioning
- Enhanced/Supernatural Roar
- Enhanced Scent
- Enhanced/Supernatural Senses
- Enhanced Speed
- Enhanced Stamina
- Enhanced Stealth
- Enhanced Strength
- Enhanced Swimming
- Enhanced Violence
- Enhanced Virility
- Enhanced Wits
- Fang Retraction
- Fighting Instinct
- Killing Instinct
- Pheromone Generation
- Predator Instinct
- Prehensile Tail
- Survival Instinct
- Wallcrawling
- Indomitable Nature
- Lightning Bruiser - Enhanced to Supernatural Level.
- Nigh-Absolute Invulnerability
- Semi-Immortality
- Supernatural Bite
- Supernatural Strength
- Weapon Immunity
- Sphinx Physiology; Varies
- Greek Deity Physiology
- Lion Physiology
- Mythic Physiology
- Mythical Bestiary
- Pantherinae Physiology
- Zodiac Physiology - The Nemean Lion may be the origin of the Leo Constellation.
- Invulnerability Bypassing/Negation
- While skin can't be cut, they can be harmed by other ways. Recorded methods include stunning, strangling and shooting arrows into mouth.
- Users of Absolute Strength may be able to inflict damage.
- May require learning defenses to particular dangers.
- May be vulnerable to telepathic abilities.
- Users claws may be able to pierce/cut their skin (this is usually the way Heracles/Hercules is described as using to skin the lion and turn its coat into armor/a cloak.)
Known Users[]
- Nemean Lion (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey)
- The Nemean Lion (Class of the Titans)
- The Nemean Lion (Disney's Hercules)
- Loke/Leo (Fairy Tail)
- Lucy Heartfilia (Fairy Tail); while using the Leo Star Dress form
- The Nemean Lion (God of War)
- The Nemean Lion (Greek Mythology)
- Regulus (Highschool DxD); was a former Nemean Lion before being reincarnated into a Devil.
- The Nemean Lion (Marvel Comics)
- Nemean Lion (Percy Jackson series)