- "Yes. Free from the demons. The path is clear for us to rule."
- ― Vergil revealing his god complex personality to Kat and Dante. (DmC: Devil May Cry)
The power to have the traits and powers of a nephalem of godly power. Variation of Transcendent and Transcendent Hybrid Physiology. Ultimate version of Nephalem Physiology. Combination of Transcendent Angel and Transcendent Demon Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Absolute/Almighty/Omni/Prime/Supreme/Ultimate Nephalem
- Angelus/Daemonium Dea/Deus Physiology
- ArchNephalem Physiology
- Divine-Nephalem Physiology
- Divine-Nephalonic Physiology
- Godly-Nephalonic Physiology
- Nephalem/Nephalonic Deity/God/Goddess Physiology
- Supreme Nephalem Physiology
- Transcendent Angelic Demon Physiology
- Transcendent Arkosios Physiology
- Transcendent Demonic Angel Physiology
A user with this ability either is or can transform into a nephalem of godly power born from the union of two high-level supernatural entities. Their power vastly surpasses that of other nephalems and most supernatural entities, easily overpowering them even in numbers. Some users are born from the very apex or even prime being of their respective parent species, inheriting the potential to become the most powerful being in existence, with major impact on the world and its power balance. Furthermore, the user’s angelic and demonic sides could be different than just plain angel and demon like Transcendent Dragonborn (Angel/Demon Dragon), Transcendent Cyborg (Angel-Machine/Demonic Machine), Deity (Angel/Demon Deity), etc. which in turn could push the users potential and all other abilities far beyond normal transcendent nephalems.
Applications (General)[]
- All/Various Supernatural Powers
- All/Various Absolute Powers
- All/Various Almighty Powers
- All/Various Death Powers
- All/Various Divine Powers
- All/Various Holy Powers
- All/Various Angelic Powers
- All/Various Unholy Powers
- All/Various Demonic Powers
- All/Various Evil Powers
- All/Various Life Powers
- All/Various Light & Darkness Powers
- All/Various Magical Powers
- All/Various Spiritual Powers
- All/Various Transcendent Powers
Applications (Detailed)[]
- Afterlife Lordship: Since they happen to be of godly status, transcendent nephalems tend to rule both Hell and Heaven, allowing them to balance both domains.
- Abyss Lordship: The user has authority and duty over the abyss, the realm where souls go into an eternal void to endure absolute isolation from everything in existence.
- Heaven Lordship: From the angel side of their godly physiology, they reign undisputed over the realm of Paradise: Heaven.
- Hell Lordship: Through their demonic side, they rule over the domain of the demons, the Inferno itself: Gehenna.
- Divine-Demonic Force Manipulation: Manipulate vast amounts of both holy and unholy forces and powers.
- Angelic Force Manipulation: Manipulate vast amounts of power that’s divine in origin known as angelic powers.
- Angelic Empowerment: Become stronger, faster, durable, etc. via angelic energy.
- Angelic/Demonic Telekinesis/Divine/Demonic Psionics: As both an angelic and demonic being, the user can manipulate anything using their angelic and demonic energies.
- Angel Lordship: The user possesses absolute power over all their fellow angels and can manipulate them into doing as the user commands.
- Demon Lordship: The user possesses absolute power over all their fellow demons and can manipulate them into doing as the user commands.
- Demonic/Divine Elemental Manipulation: Manipulate elements that are filled with divine and demonic essence.
- Hell-Fire Manipulation: Manipulate the mystical flames of hell.
- Holy Fire Manipulation: Manipulate holy flames, which embodies the purifying aspect of fire.
- Demonic/Divine Empowerment: Become stronger, faster, durable, etc via demonic and divine energy.
- Demonic/Divine Presence: Emit a transcendent presence or aura that can cause supernatural effects.
- Expanded Presence: Have a presence that encompasses all.
- Warping Presence: A presence that warps existence itself.
- Weatherly Presence: A presence that alters the weather.
- Divine-Demonic Magic: User is capable of wielding a special form of magic that combines divine and demonic forces. Due to the diametrically opposed natures of the constituent mythic essences, the user is capable of particularly powerful mystical abilities.
- Godly/Satanic Incarnation: Be a manifestation of and/or have the traits of the true God, Devil or both.
- Angelic/Demonic Abomination: The users of this power are angels, and not all angels are "beautiful" by human standards; as some look outright terrifying and not remotely human in anyway. and at the same time they are demons, horrifying and destructive, even by human understanding. The elder demon comes off as infinitely more horrific and Satanic, even by typical demon nature.
- Halo Generation: Manifest a halo of light or archaic design.
- Supreme Divinity/Greater Divinity: The user possesses the highest form of divinity, rendering him truly supreme.
- Angelic/Demonic Divinity: Possess the true essence of divine and demonic forces.
- Dark/Light Divinity: Possess divinity that’s both light and dark in origin.
- Magical Divinity: Possess the magical form of divinity and divine powers granting them an immense amount of raw power beyond the mundane.
- Esoteric Power: Posses great and mighty levels of esoteric power.
- Angelic/Demonic Power: Possess great and mighty levels of nephalonic power from being an angel and demon.
- Mythical Power: Possess great and powerful use of mythical power and abilities.
- Spiritual Power: Possess strong spiritual based abilities that could possibly be on an absolute level.
- Soul Manipulation: Possess the capability to manipulate souls which could be omniversal in nature. Furthermore, the user can do multiple things with souls like destroy them and absorb them to either enhance themselves gaining the drained power or use it as a power source either temporarily or permanently.
- Transcendent Mage: The user is an angel and demon whose magical power is superior and transcends above many others who could possibly be on an almighty level and use more than one type of magic.
- Wish Manipulation: The user possesses magical power capable of manipulating reality through granting wishes and could possibly grant any wish no matter what it may entail.
- Esoteric Power: Posses great and mighty levels of esoteric power.
- Angelic/Demonic Divinity: Possess the true essence of divine and demonic forces.
- Angelic Force Manipulation: Manipulate vast amounts of power that’s divine in origin known as angelic powers.
- Ethereal Physiology: Possess a body made of the aether and nether.
- Supernatural/Absolute/Perfection (Varies): Have an unlimited degree of capabilities and attributes that only a god can possess.
- Absolute Invincibility/Undefeatable: Be unable to be defeated in multiple ways.
- Invulnerability/Absolute Durability: Be immune to all forms of harm.
- Autopotence/Personal Existence Manipulation: Control all aspects of ones' own existence.
- Horn Protrusion: Aside from having a halo above their head, they could also have horns.
- Hybrid Soul: Possessing a soul belonging to an angel and demon.
- Hybrid Synergy: Possess augmented abilities thank to the user’s nephalonic heritage.
- Immortality/Absolute Immortality: Possess an eternal mind, body, and soul.
- Limitation Transcendence: Able to overcome be beyond the weakness of angels and demons thanks to the synergy of angelic and demonic power and organic material, which could possibly lead to transcending all things or just continual transcendency.
- Omicron Being: Be the alpha and the omega of both the angel and demon race.
- Supernatural/Absolute Beauty: Possess divine, unrivaled beauty.
- Angelic Beauty: Unspeakable and unrivaled.
- Supernatural Genetics: Possess the genetics of two races that are naturally supernatural, known as the angel and demon race.
- Supernatural Bodily Aspects: Possess the bodily aspects of two races that are naturally supernatural, known as the angel and demon race.
- Angelic/Demonic Arm: Possess the arm of an angel and demon.
- Spiritual Blood: Possess spiritual blood of nephalonic origins.
- Supernatural Cells: Possess the cells of a race that is naturally supernatural, known as the dragons and another naturally supernatural species or ones that aren’t like the human race.
- Supernatural Flesh: Possess the flesh of an angel and demon.
- Supernatural Horn: Possess a horn that belongs to a nephalem.
- Supernatural Organs: Possessing internal organs belonging to an angel and demon.
- Supernatural Tail: Manifest a tail or multiple tails in the form of hybrid race tails or separate race tails.
- Supernatural Traits: Possess the genetic traits of two races that are naturally supernatural, known as the angel and demon race.
- Supernatural Wings: Manifest wings in the form of hybrid wings or separate race wings.
- Supernatural Bodily Aspects: Possess the bodily aspects of two races that are naturally supernatural, known as the angel and demon race.
- Absolute Invincibility/Undefeatable: Be unable to be defeated in multiple ways.
- Twilight Mimicry: Nephalems have biological and spiritual essence that are both light and dark in origin and could be somewhat different than just simple light and darkness.
- Dark/Light Power: Possess unlimited power that derives from the light and dark.
- Twilight Embodiment (Varies): Nephalems could be a representation of both light and darkness just like how angels are usually thought of as embodiments of light and demons as embodiments of darkness.
- Twilight Force Manipulation: As a being of light and darkness, nephalems are capable of manipulating twilight power.
- Twilight Manipulation: Nephalems possess power from both light and darkness, allowing control over the element of twilight.
- Light-Dark Force Manipulation: As already mentioned, nephalems possess the power to manipulate and combine both light and dark power.
- Light-Darkness Manipulation: Gain a hybrid ability to control the elements of light and darkness to a wider degree.
- Primordial Darkness Manipulation: Control the original darkness.
- Primordial Light Manipulation: Control the dawn of creation.
- Light-Darkness Manipulation: Gain a hybrid ability to control the elements of light and darkness to a wider degree.
- Twilight Force Manipulation: As a being of light and darkness, nephalems are capable of manipulating twilight power.
- Twilight Embodiment (Varies): Nephalems could be a representation of both light and darkness just like how angels are usually thought of as embodiments of light and demons as embodiments of darkness.
- Dark/Light Power: Possess unlimited power that derives from the light and dark.
- Supernatural/Absolute/Perfection (Varies): Have an unlimited degree of capabilities and attributes that only a god can possess.
- Nigh-Omnipotence/Indeterminacy/Omnipotence (Varies): Because of the high level of control over both the aether and nether forces, the wielder can possess limitless amounts of power.
- Nigh-Omniscience/Omniscience (Varies): Because of the high level of control over both the aether and nether forces, the wielder has the capability to know everything.
- Nigh-Omnipresence/Omnipresence (Varies): Because of the high level of control over both the aether and nether forces, the wielder has the capability to be present everywhere.
- Nigh-Complete Arsenal/Complete Arsenal: Conjure/Control all kinds of different abilities.
- Omni-Manipulation/Telekinesis: Be able to manipulate multiple things, possibly all of existence, through non physical means.
- Absolute Force: Control one, multiple, or possibly even all forces.
- Absolute Chi: The user has a unlimited chi that is equivalent to the power of many different forms of chi which comes in handy in situations that test one's fortitude and grants abilities.
- Transcendent Force Manipulation: Users of this power possess and/or can utilize unbelievable power beyond worldly comprehension. This ability grants the user great strength and control over numerous variations of godlike abilities. It allows them to fight on par with or possibly overwhelm other beings of transcendent power.
- Ultimate Force Manipulation: The user possesses ultimate forces of extreme and limitless power that derives from the very essence of ultimate power, wielding the incomprehensible might as they stand as conduits of unparalleled power, capable of commanding forces that transcend the boundaries of possibility.
- Energy Perception: Perceive the energy that binds the universe together.
- Etherius Warping: Manipulate aether, a powerful, primordial element that was used to create the universe itself as well as nether, the chthonian element, that flows through the realms of the living and the dead to warp reality.
- Tetralogy: The user has the ability to use the combined forces of science, magic, divinity and philosophy, giving the user potentially unlimited power over the four concepts. This power encompasses the four aspects that define reality and are used by any being to understand the universe and God itself.
- Existence Manipulation: Control all existence.
- Extrasensory Perception: Acquire information by means independent of any known senses or previous experience.
- Healing/Omni-Healing/Transcendent Healing: Heal numerous people with transcendent energies.
- Higher-Dimensional/Meta Space-Time Manipulation: Alter high levels of space and time from everywhere and anywhere.
- Omni-Element/Elemental Manipulation: Control one or multiple elements around them to a degree that allows control of their environment.
- Omnifarious/Shapeshifting: Able to alter their malleable structure to an unlimited degree.
- Omnificence/Creation: Able to create things on various levels.
- Reality Warping/Mentifery: Warp reality to any level that the wielder wants.
- Resurrection/Absolute Resurrection: Possess a degree of power capable of fully restoring a creature's or multiple creatures body, mind, and soul to full health.
- Absolute Force: Control one, multiple, or possibly even all forces.
- Thoughtless Complete Arsenal: User possesses an endless number of abilities, covering every possible effect and countermeasure.
- Omni-Manipulation/Telekinesis: Be able to manipulate multiple things, possibly all of existence, through non physical means.
- Nigh-Complete Arsenal/Complete Arsenal: Conjure/Control all kinds of different abilities.
- Transcendent Hybrid/Spirit Physiology: The user is a transcendent angelic and demonic spiritual being. The user’s hybrid nephalonic body and soul is the primary source of potential and power. Furthermore, the user’s angelic and demonic sides could potentially be different than just plain angel and demon.
- Various angel and demon physiologies (including at least one transcendent physiology)
- Archangel/Composite Angel/Composite Fallen Angel/Seraphim (Varies)
- Transcendent Angel/Fallen Transcendent Angel/Transcendent Erogelic: Possessing transcendent angelic traits.
- Archdemon/Composite Demon (Varies)
- Transcendent Demon/Ascended Transcendent Demon/Transcendent Sex Demon: Possessing transcendent demonic traits.
- Eldritch Physiology/Angelic/Demonic Abomination (Varies)
- Elemental Physiology/Elemental Angel/Elemental Demon (Varies)
- Transcendent Alien/Angelic/Demonic-Alien (Varies)
- Transcendent Animal/Angelic/Demonic Beast (Varies)
- Transcendent Dragonborn/Angelic/Demonic Dragon (Varies)
- Transcendent Cyborg/Angel-Machine/Demonic Machine (Varies)
- Transcendent Deity/Angel/Demon Deity (Varies)
- Transcendent Human/Nephilim/Cambion (Varies)
- Transcendent Mage/Angel/Transcendent Demon Mage (Varies)
- Transcendent Mutant/Mutated Angel/Demon (Varies)
- Transcendent Undead/Angelic/Transcendent Demonic-Undead (Varies)
- Archangel/Composite Angel/Composite Fallen Angel/Seraphim (Varies)
- Alpha Demon
- Anti-God
- Chaos and Order Embodiment
- Creation and Destruction Embodiment
- Dominion Angel
- Elohim Physiology
- Monotheistic Deity
- Nephalem Physiology
- Prime Being
- Transcendent Angelic Mage
- Transcendent Cambion Physiology
- Transcendent Demonic-Undead Physiology
- Transcendent Nephilim Physiology
- Transcendent Physiology
- May be vulnerable to the effects of Divine Power Absorption, Negation, Divine Energy Absorption, Divinity Nullification or Transcendent Negation.
- Could be slain by users of Transcendent Weaponry, Divine Slayer or Omnislayer.
- The user's power is inferior to even higher beings such as an Omnipotent Being.
- A Monotheistic Deity and Anti-God are usually higher in power.
Known Users[]
- Mammon (Demonology); True Original
- Bul-Kathos (Diablo series)
- Uldyssian ul-Diomed (Diablo series)
- Nephilim (DmC: Devil May Cry)
- Dante
- Vergil
- First Hellspawn (Image Comics)
- Maalik (Islam); King of the Zabaniyah
- Nicky (Little Nicky)
- Lilith (Marvel Comics)
- Mithra (Mithraism); Both an Asura and a Yazata
- Tristán Liones (Mokushiroko no Yiokishi/Four Knights of the Apocalypse)
- Genesis (Preacher Comics)
- Seere (Valkyrie Crusade)