Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of a nue. Variation of Yokai Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Nue Mimicry


User with this ability either is or can transform into a Nue, hybrid being usually described as having the head of a monkey, the body of a raccoon dog, the legs of a tiger, and a snake as a tail. They can metamorphose into a black cloud and fly and are bringers of misfortune and illness.



Known Users[]

See Also: Nue

  • Zabimaru (Bleach)
  • Nue (Breath of Fire III)
  • Nue (Japanese Mythology)
  • Nue Houjuu (Touhou Project)
  • Nue (Nagasarete Airantō)
  • Nue (Naruto)
  • Nue (Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan)
  • Nue (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Nue (GeGeGe no Kitarō)
  • Chymera and Kingmera (Yo-kai Watch)
  • Nue (Nioh)
  • Nue/Hate Master (Ninja Sentai Kakuranger/Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
  • Advanced Yokai Nue/Lord Drillion (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger/Power Rangers Ninja Steel)
  • Toratsugu (One Piece)
  • Nue (Okami)
  • Nue (Megami Tensei series)
  • Beast Chimera (Medabots Series)

Known Objects[]

Tori Tori no Mi/Bird Bird Fruit, Model: Nue (One Piece)

