Superpower Wiki

The ability to become the embodiment of obsession. Variation of Concept Embodiment.

Also Called[]

  • Compulsion Embodiment/Incarnate/Personification
  • Obsession Incarnate/Personification
  • The Compulsion/Obsessed
  • The Living Obsession
  • The Walking Obsession


Users become the living embodiment of obsession and become stronger with a strong urge for a certain thing or becomes filled with an overwhelming sense of urgency.

The more the user obsesses the stronger they become: the user takes in the urge and causes them to become hyper-focused. The user if refrained from the obsession goes berserk and attacks everything in sight.




  • Without obsession the user is weakened.
  • Users of Charity Embodiment are particularly effective against the user.

Known Users[]

  • Near (Death Note)
  • Vector-Ga (Aquarion Logos); originally
  • Leanan-Sidhe (Celtic Mythology)
  • Memento Mori (Monster Strike)