- "It's ironic, isn't it? All this magnificent technology and we find ourselves still susceptible to the ravages of old age. The loss of dignity, the slow betrayal of our bodies by forces we cannot master."
- ― Jean-Luc Picard (Star Trek: TNG)
The power to manipulate old age and the concepts it represents. Variation of Age Manipulation. Opposite to Youth Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Old Age Command/Control
User can manipulate old age, as well as draw from the concepts it represents. This includes the state one is in with their age, how long they will live, winter, etc.
- Age Acceleration
- Adult Manipulation
- Decomposition Manipulation
- Development Reset
- Extreme Progression
- Intelligence Manipulation
- Life Preservation
- Lifespan Manipulation
- Old Prime
- Potential Realization
- Progression
- Winter Manipulation
- Telomere Reduction
- Age Aspect Manifestation (The Old)
- Immortality Manipulation
- Senescence Manipulation
- Youth Manipulation
- Users of Death Embodiment are completely immune to this power
- Skilled enough users of Death-Force Manipulation may overwhelm the user.
Known Users[]
- Elli (Norse Mythology)
- Geras/Senectus (Greco-Roman Mythology)
- Prosciutto (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part V: Golden Wind/Vento Aureo); via The Grateful Dead