Superpower Wiki

The power to be immune to absolutely anything/everything. Absolute version of Selective Invulnerability. Sub-power of Omnipotence. Variation of Omni-Protection. Not be confused with Absolute Superpower Immunity.

Also Called[]

  • Absolute/ Almighty/ All/ Meta/ Omnipotent/ Boundless/ Ultimate/ Godly/ Total/ Perfect/ Complete/ Totality Immunity
  • Omni-Invulnerability/Indestructibility


The user is completely immune to literally anything and everything on all levels/layers, regardless of its type or status. Absolutely nothing can affect the user in any way regardless of what it may be, including powers, diseases, forces, concepts, laws, etc.



Known Users[]

  • God (Abrahamic Religions)
  • Jesus Christ (Christianity)
  • Hōrai Elixir drinkers (Touhou Project)
    • Kaguya Houraisan
    • Fujiwara no Mokō
    • Eirin Yagokoro
  • Scarlet Demon (SCP Foundation Chinese Branch)
  • Yamoner (The Purples)

Known Objects[]

  • Hōrai Elixir (Touhou Project)

