Superpower Wiki

The power to create the Alpha Reality, the origin of all realities. Sub-power of Omnificence and Origin Manipulation. Apex level of Cosmic Creation and Universe Creation. Not to be confused with Nexus Creation.

Also Called[]

  • Alpha Reality Creation
  • Meta Reality Creation
  • Prime Reality Creation
  • Omniversal Reality Creation


User can create and/or generate the Alpha Reality, the origin and source of all realities. Allowing them to create the origin of reality itself, as the Alpha Reality is responsible for the existence of all realities and by extension Creation itself.

As users of this are responsible for the existence of the Alpha Reality, they may transcend it as well.




Known Users[]

  • Mother (Eden Zero)
  • Highest Power (New World Novels)
  • Absolutes (Mythology/Religion)
  • U-DO (Xenosaga)