Superpower Wiki

Disclaimer : This power is not specifically stated by official works or accredited from characters appearing in official/professional works of fiction. Any information given is speculated and may not hold any credibility.

The power to know nothing and ignore everything infinitely. Opposite power to Omniscience.

Also Called

  • All-Ignorance/All-Oblivion
  • Anti-Omniscience
  • Infinite Ignorance/Infinite Oblivion
  • Omni-Ignorance/Omni-Oblivion


Omninescience ("all-ignorance") is the capacity to know nothing and ignore everything that there is to be known.

There is a distinction between this power:

  • inherent omninescience - the ability to ignore anything that one chooses to ignore and can be ignored.
  • total omninescience - actually knowing nothing and ignoring everything that can be ignored.

The user’s mind and body (if they have one) is blocked to the entire universe; they know absolutely nothing and are oblivious to effects and conditions, regardless of if they come from the past, present or future. In effect, the user's mind, upon activating this ability, becomes a black hole, a void through which no intelligence, knowledge, memory, reflex, instinct or response may escape. This means that, aside from mental invulnerability, the user's mind also fortifies the body, making it "ignorant" of the effects of harm, disease or age.




  • The user becomes a mindless, thoughtless, drooling duncebag (Inherent Omninescience lasts only until danger passes; Total Omninescience is permanent)
  • If the user has no control of this ability:
    • May activate every time one feels threatened or stressed

Known Users

See Omninescience
