Superpower Wiki

The power to warp reality via dreams. Sub-power of Subjective Reality, combination of Dream Manipulation and Reality Warping.

Also Called

  • Oneiric Reality Warping
  • Oneirofiery


Users' dreams have a direct impact on reality. They may subtly influence it by changing the course of events, manifest into the real world or even emerge into existence as new beings, objects or phenomena, possibly with a will of their own. Troubles are to be expected as most users having limited grasp over their dreams, though they become increasingly more in control with experience until they reach the state of lucid dreaming, allowing compete control of their oneiric reality.


Base Level

Advanced Level

Master Level

Ultimate Level



  • Most users have limited influence over their dreams, nightmares causing all sorts of problems and dangers.
  • Abuses mess up the world and gradually deconstruct the concept of reality, plunging users into insanity.

Known Users

  • SCP-1237 (SCP Foundation)
  • Polokus (Rayman)
  • Joseph "Licorice" Calhoun (Marvel Comics)
  • Freddy Krueger (Nightmare on Elm street)
  • George Orr (The Lathe of Heaven)
  • The Patients of Mount Massive Murkoff Asylum (Outlast)
  • Oneiros (Valkyrie Crusade)
  • Dream/Morpheus (DC Comics)

Known Locations

  • Nightmare Lands (Ravenloft)

