Superpower Wiki

The power to use the abilities of ophiotaurus. Variation of Bovine Physiology, Mythical Bestiary and Snake Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Ophiotaurus/Ophiotauros/Ophiotaur/Tauros Ophis/Stygian Bull Mimicry


User with this ability either is or can mimic/transform into Ophiotaurus (Greek: Οφιόταυρος, Serpent-Bull), a creature with foreparts of a black bull and the tail of a serpent from Greek mythology. The creature emerged from Chaos with Gaia and Ouranos.

His sole reference is found in Ovid's Fasti (3.793 ff), where the creature's entrails (insides) were said to grant the power to defeat the gods to whoever burned them, the titans coveted this. The hybrid was slain by an ally of the Titans during the Titanomachy, but the entrails were retrieved by an eagle sent by Zeus before they could be burned. After preventing the prophecy, Zeus placed the Ophiotaurus along the stars as two separate constellations (Taurus and Cetus), as well as the altar where the guts were to be burned (Ara), and the bird who helped prevent the fall of the gods (Milvus). The appearance varies, some with exact body makeup of the first Ophiotaurus, others with a bovines head and serpent body, even some with a bulls body with snake scales all over. Likewise, the species of snake that is mixed with the bull's nature, (from Rattlesnake to Anaconda or Taipan, and any others in between). varies. Though, must be noted, the one sort of Ophiotaurus one is incapable of ever finding, is a female. Some unknown trait about the bovine/ophidian hybrid's genes seems to make its existence exclusively possible within male offspring. It is unknown whether this property is genetic or supernatural. They have the temper of a bull while also having reptilian tendencies towards seclusion and solitude, making them loners by nature.



Known Users[]

  • Ophiotaurus (Greek Mythology)
  • Ophiotaurus (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
  • Ophiotaurus (Pathfinder)
  • Ophiotaurus (Percy Jackson & the Olympians)

