The power to create shields and shield-like objects out of organic material. Sub-power of Organic Constructs. Variation of Shield Construction.
Also Called[]
- Organic Shield Generation
- Organic Shield Protrusion
The user can construct shields and shield-like objects out of organic material to defend themselves from different kinds of attacks.
- Animal Shield Construction
- Chlorokinetic Shield Construction
- Comakinetic Shield Construction
- Food Shield Construction
- Haemokinetic Shield Construction
- Oil Shield Construction
- Osteokinetic Shield Construction
- Paper Shield Construction
- Poison Shield Construction
- Slime Shield Construction
- Rubber Shield Construction
- Wax Shield Construction
- Blade Construction
- Dermal Armor
- Enhanced Shieldmanship
- Force-Field Generation
- Natural Weaponry when formed from the user's body.
- Organic Constructs
- Organic Manipulation
- Wall Generation
- Weapon Manipulation
- Depending on the material used.
- User may be unable creating organic material, being limited to manipulating already existing one.
- Shield Penetration/Shield Removal
- Shields have limited size and can only protect what is behind them.
Known Users[]
- Yhwach (Bleach)
- Hydra Eel (Big O)
- Galdino/Mr. 3 (One Piece)
- Nico Robin (One Piece)
- Various Characters (Fairy Tail)
- Chesnaught (Pokémon)
- Flora (Winx Club)
- Tellu (Sailor Moon Crystal)
- Jack (Marchen Awakens Romance)
- Wood Release users (Naruto)
- Perfuma (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power)
- Alex Mercer (Prototype)
- James Heller (Prototype 2)
- Jonathan Reid (Vampyr)
Yhwach (Bleach) using Blut Vene Anhaben to create a spiritual barrier from his blood vessels that assimilates enemy attacks for his own benefit.
Using Veinte Fleur: Calendula, Nico Robin (One Piece) sprouts twenty arms and spins them to create a makeshift shield.
Claiming it can even block bullets from a Machine Gun, Coco (Toriko) creating an umbrella out of poison to protect himself against Poison Rain.
Flare Corona (Fairy Tail) using Hair Shield to defend herself on an attack from Scorpio's Sand Tornado.