The power to create whips from organic material. Sub-power of Organic Constructs. Variation of Whip Generation and Organic Weaponry.
The user can create whips from nothing or by shaping the existing organic material. Depending on the type of material that the blade is made of, it can possess a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat.
- Chlorokinetic Whip Generation
- Haemokinetic Whip Generation
- Osteokinetic Whip Generation
- Slime Whip Generation
- Toxikinetic Whip Generation
- Chain Manipulation
- Enhanced Whipmanship
- Organic Constructs
- Organic Weaponry
- Tendril Generation
- Tentacle Extension
- Weapon Creation
- Weapon Proficiency
- Whip Manipulation
- Durability of the whips may depend on the user's will.
- How long the whip lasts depend on the user's skill and power, some may need near constant attention, others are effectively permanent.
- May have a limit on range.
Known Users[]
- Users of the War Hammer Titan's power (Attack on Titan)
- Yukari Kotozume/Cure Macaron (KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode)
- Kimimaro (Naruto)
- Alex Mercer (Prototype series)
- James Heller (Prototype 2)
- Whipfist Evolved (Prototype 2)