The power to form wings out of organic material. Sub-power of Organic Constructs. Variation of Wing Manifestation.
Also Called[]
- Biological/Organic Matter/Organikoskinetic Wing Generation/Manifestation
- Organikoskinetic Wings
- Wings of Organic Matter
- Biological/Organic Matter/Organikóskinetic Wing Growth
- Biological/Organic Matter/Organikóskinetic Winged Flight
The user can manifest wings on any part of their body out of organic material such as blood, bone, or even hair for transportation. The user can also use their wings for defensive to offensives purposes as well.
- Flight
- High level users can achieve High-Speed Flight.
- Can use wings as weapons or protection.
- Alien Wing Manifestation
- Chlorokinetic Wing Manifestation
- Comakinetic Wing Manifestation
- Haemokinetic Wing Manifestation
- Living Wing Manifestation
- Osteokinetic Wing Manifestation
- Papyrokinetic Wing Manifestation
- Wax Wing Manifestation
- Organic Absorption may thwart this ability.
- May not be able to retract the wings.
- May suffer from cold and/or altitude sickness unless the users have adapting skills to the changes in altitude.
- Atmospheric Adaptation is acquire.
- Dependent on the user's physical abilities, stamina, and strength.
- The user's wings may not be built for flying, instead only for gliding.
- Needs enough thrust and lift, so the size/condition of wings and the thickness of air are obvious problems to overcome.
- Because of the wing size needed, has to have enough room for both the lift-off and flight itself, not to mention enough speed to avoid stalling.
- In addition if the wings are large then it makes them vulnerable to intense/powerful sheering winds if they were to attempt a prolonged hover certain conditions.
- Flight-ceiling depends on both the density of air needed to fly and breath, and how cold-resistant the user is.
- Some wings can be damaged or destroyed, causing user to lose the ability to fly efficiently, stay airborne, or render them unable to fly altogether.
- Depending on the user, may expend energy if they need to flap the wings, either when taking off, flying, or landing.
- Damage or destruction to wings may be injured similar to that of other limbs, leading to pain, bleeding, and infection.
- May cause pain/harm to the user when wings develop from their back.
- May require organic matter/strength to keep it stable and furnish.
Known Users[]
- Cancer Cell (Cells at Work!)
- Filia (Skullgirls)
- Nico Robin (One Piece)
- Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)
- Byakuran (Katekyo Hitman Reborn)
- Urogi (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
- Mazuko (Japanese Mythology/Folklore)