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The power to use the abilities of an outback monster, a mix of Cryptid and Mythical Bestiary.

Also Called[]

  • Dreamtime Monster Mimicry/Physiology
  • Outback Monster Mimicry


Users of this ability can take on the traits of outback monsters, creatures from Australian folklore - often linked to the Aborigine belief in Dreamtime these creatures come in many different forms and were believed by the native tribes to be natural (if sometimes dangerous) residents of the wilderness.

When Europeans arrived, these creatures became sources of fascination and many new folk tales cropped up, often turning them into fantastical monsters or unexplained animals - some were even created specifically to prank tourists or as a sort of amusement (such as a dropbear).

Types of Outback Monsters[]




  • Can only take on the traits of creatures from Australian folklore.

Known Users[]

See Also: Yowies and Bunyips and Drop Bears, Oh My.

  • Many Aboriginal gods (Australian Mythology)

