The power to cancel out the feeling of pain. Sub-power of Pain Manipulation. Variation of Damage Negation and Emotion Negation.
Also Called[]
- Anti-Pain Inducement/Inducing
- Anti-Pain Potion/Serum
- Pain Nullification/Suppression
The user can negate their pain or that of others, allowing them to think clearly and continue to move without flinching despite a grievous injury.
- Apathy
- Alleviation of pain.
- May be limited to oneself or others, not both.
- Useless against users of Apathy as they have no pains to negate.
- Won't know the depth of their injury and can make their wounds worse until they collapse.
Known Users[]
- Yuujiro Hanma (Baki the Grappler)
- Hazel Rainart (RWBY)
- Midnighter (Wildstorm)
- Vivian Wong (Yu-Gi-Oh!); via Pressure Point Mastery
- Minoru Kamiya (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Known Objects[]
- Shikon Jewel (InuYasha)
- Mink's Medicine (One Piece)
When Sango (InuYasha) was given a Shikon Jewel shard by Naraku, it negated her ability to feel pain, to the extent she did not even notice the near fatal blood loss she was suffering at the time.
Midnighter (Wildstorm) can turn his pain receptors on and off whenever he wants, allowing him to remain fully conscious while undergoing open heart surgery without anasthetic.
With her knowledge of pressure points, Vivian Wong (Yu-Gi-Oh!) negates Sugoroku Muto's lower back pain.