Superpower Wiki
"Is he okay?"
"He feels no pain. Oh I'm sorry, my English is not so good. I meant to say he feels only pain."
― Marge and Akira (The Simpsons)

The ability to inflict damage without pain. Variation of Causality Negation.


The user can damage others without causing them any degree of physical discomfort, they do not suppress the subject’s pain; as user doesn't inflict any physical pain to be suppressed.


  • Assassination: User can inflict damage onto a target that will not be noticed due to lack of pain reception, thus weakening them discreetly until they die without even knowing.
  • Euthanasia: User can give the ultimate mercy to a soul in suffering, one that is one-hundred percent guaranteed to be painless.
  • Operation: Perform live-saving surgery on the spot while the patient is still conscious and without anesthetics and the ill effect of the subject losing any other valuable sensations like touch or pressure.



  • User can’t actually suppress or remove a subject’s pain.
  • Subject can still die from their wounds.
  • Only applies to physical pain; user can’t prevent any psychological damage made by their own actions.
  • May be active all the time, and the user might injure an ally without either of them noticing until the wound is otherwise disturbed.

Known Users

  • Deathurge (Marvel Comics)
  • Edamiel Beryl (Anima: Beyond Fantasy)
  • Killing Curse users (Harry Potter)
  • Scolippi (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure); via his Stand, Rolling Stones
  • Trafalgar D. Water Law (One Piece); via Ope-Ope Fruit
  • Katana Maidens (Toji no Miko); via Utsushi
  • Toki (Fist of the North Star); via Hokuto Ujō Ken
  • Chrollo Lucifer (Hunter X Hunter); after stealing Indoor Fish ability

