Superpower Wiki
"It's the Parasite Eve! Got a feeling in your stomach, 'cause you know that it's coming for you. Leave your flowers and grieve, Don't forget they told ya, eh, eh. When we forget the infection, will we remember the lesson? If the suspense doesn't kill you, something else will, eh, eh, move."
― Bring Me The Horizon - Parasite Eve.

The power to influence parasites. Sub-power of Symbiote Manipulation. Variation of Animal Manipulation and Entity Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Parasituskinesis
  • Parasite Control/Domination/Mastery


The user can manipulate all forms of parasites. This can affect parasites within their hosts and make them absorb more energy from the host, cause pain in the host in question, and even kill the host. This can also be used to control parasites to be less painful to the host or even remove them.






  • May be limited to a specific species of animal.
  • May be limited to a particular number of targets at any time.
  • Some parasites may be hard to control.
  • Some parasites may also be hard to remove.

Known Users[]

  • Osmund Saddler (Resident Evil 4)
  • Megaera (God of War)
  • Menagerie (DC Comics)
  • DIO (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part III: Stardust Crusaders); via Flesh Buds
  • Hive (Marvel Cinematic Universe, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.)
  • Users of Command Voice (Girl Genius); only via Slaver Wasps
    • Lucrezia Mongfish
  • Thoha tribe (Metroid)

