Superpower Wiki

The power to borrow anything/everything from the past. Technique of Past Manipulation. Opposite to Future Borrowing. Not to be confused with Power Borrowing.

Also Called[]

  • Past Lending/Lease


User can borrow anything from the past, including powers, objects, concepts, space/time, skills, adaptations, evolution's, etc., allowing them to bestow or boost powers and skills onto themselves that they may not have access to anymore at that present moment.

Depending on what is borrowed from the past, it may lead to a paradox.




  • May be limited to borrowing from only one possible past.
  • May be limited by time spent in the past.
  • May be limited to certain objects, abilities, concepts, or functions.
  • May be limited by having to travel to the past themselves to borrow chosen object or concept.

Known Users[]

  • Mods and Admins (Romantically Apocalyptic)
  • Fool Pathway Beyonders (Lord of Mysteries)