Superpower Wiki

The Power to achieve and be empowered by inner peace. A sub-power of Affinity and Peace Manipulation. The opposite of War Empowerment.

Also Called

  • Peace Affinity
  • Internal Peace
  • State of Peace Affinity


The user is empowered by all forms of peace or absence of external or internal conflict, within their mind, body or spirit. Great prophets and Master Warriors have being able to achieve and draw strength from internal peace entering in a state of great wisdom and tranquility.



  • The user cannot use this power without peace in some form, or if their peace is interrupted. 
  • User may get weak and fall into ruin if they lose their sense of peace.

Known Users

  • Hiko Seijuro (Samurai X)
  • Gautama Buddha (Buddhism)
  • Ryu jin Jakka (Bleach)