Superpower Wiki
"That sword technique of his had pushed even that man to the brink of death. Basically, it was no different from the holy techniques of the gods."
― Kokushibo on Yoriichi Tsugikuni (Kimetsu no Yaiba)

The power to possess maximum and limitless mastery in wielding katanas. Absolute version of Enhanced Katana Proficiency. Variation of Absolute Swordsmanship.

Also Called[]

  • Almighty/Boundless/Omnipotent/Perfect/Unlimited Kenjutsu/Katana Aptitude/Combat/Expertise/Intuition/Mastery/Proficiency


Users have reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship, possessing proficiency, capabilities and knowledge in katanas at a maximum and limitless level. They know everything about swords and how to wield them and surpass any and all masters of combat of any form, having complete knowledge of the forms whether they be unknown, nigh impossible to master, or forbidden and can also create their own forms of combat to throw off their enemies. Their swordsmanship skill and proficiency are absolutely unparalleled, being unsurpassed by anything in existence. Their katana wielding is godly in nature, each sword movement possessing otherworldly beauty.

Users excel in melee attacks with katanas on absolute levels. Users are able to perform counters, techniques and combination strikes with such skill, speed, and prowess that absolutely surpasses all other counterparts. Since the user's combative prowess are absolute, they are able to pull off feats that are seemingly impossible for even the most skilled fighters that try to comprehend the user's foreign skill.



  • Peak Human Katana Proficiency
  • Enhanced Katana Proficiency - Users possess skill in wielding katanas at a level superior to average or even peak members of their own species.
  • Supernatural Katana Proficiency - Users possess skill in wielding katanas at a level that is beyond natural boundaries, being superior to almost all katana masters and combatants in their universe.
  • Absolute Katana Proficiency - Users are at the pinnacle of swordsmanship, their skill able to surpass every single being of the same existence, cutting down even concepts or divine beings.


Known Users[]

  • Yoriichi Tsugikuni (Kimetsu no Yaiba)
  • Hiko Seijuro XIII (Rurouni Kenshin)
  • Souijirou Mibu (Shinza Banshou series)
  • Miya Asama (Sekirei)
  • Kami Izumi Ise no Kami (Vagabond)

