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Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate one’s anti-gravitational field. Sub-power of Anti-Gravity Manipulation. Technique of Personal Mastery. Variation of Personal Anti-Force. Opposite to Personal Gravity.

Also Called[]

  • Personal Anti-Gravitation/Anti-Gravitational Field
  • Self Anti-Gravikinesis/Gravitokinesis


Users can manipulate their anti-gravitational field, allowing for specialized feats of anti-gravitational control. As anti-gravity is related to repulsion rather than attraction (gravity), one’s control over it grants them abilities such as enhanced levitation properties, flight, accelerated movement, and even their generation of personal anti-gravitons.

With training and focused effort, one’s anti-gravity field could mimic superhuman strength and telekinesis, allowing one to physically move large objects and even lift and control objects remotely by expanding their anti-gravitational field.




  • May be unable to manipulate anti-gravity beyond themselves or tactile interactions.
  • Overuse of their anti-gravitational field may result in physical atrophy.
  • May be countered by Gravity Manipulation.

Known Users[]
