Superpower Wiki

A Personal Domain is an area in which a being has absolute power, through magical, supernatural, technological, or other means. The Domain may be a physical area, or an entire dimension. Some may even be Omnipotent within their Domains.


  • Teleportation may be result of possesing a Domain, allowing the owner to teleport to their domain at will, and be in any location within at once.
  • Universal Manipulation can also be atained within ones Domain,
  • Logic Manipulation may be availible to stronger wielders of this power, allowing them to alter the physical laws of their Domain to fit their needs.

Some people with a Personal Domain may already have some of these powers through other means of course.

Known Users

  • God (with Heaven) (Religions)
  • Mephisto (With "Hell") (Marvel)
  • Hela (With "Hel") (Marvel)
  • Hades (Hades) (Greek Mythology)