Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate one’s personal natural ecosystem(s)/force(s). Sub-power of Nature Manipulation. Technique of Personal Mastery. Opposite to Personal Technology Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Personal Natural Ecosystem/Effect
  • Self-Nature Manipulation


The user possesses their own personal natural ecosystem(s)/force(s). They have control over the various ecological aspects of their being (fauna, flora, geology, hydrology, meteorology, etc.). Power like this is often associated with massive beings like living celestial bodies or environs, but it can also apply to entities that are unified with certain territories, becoming one with them. The power of nature is literally within the wielder.




  • Nature Forsaken/Pollution Manipulation
  • May not have complete control over natural phenomena in one’s being.
  • May be limited to particular natural ecosystem/force.
  • May unintentionally cause dangerous effects.
  • May be tied to one's emotional state.

Known Users[]
