Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate one's plasmic combustion. Sub-power of Plasma Fire Manipulation. Variation of Self-Combustion.

Also Called[]

  • Personal Fiery Plasma
  • Personal Solar Fire
  • Self Plasma-Pyrokinesis
  • Spontaneous Ionic Combustion
  • Tactile Plasma Fire


The user can control a self-generated ionization process with the form and properties of fire. As the fourth state of matter, these flames do not require oxygen to keep burning. The user is able to channel both the aspects of combustion and plasma for a variety of uses.



Known Users[]

  • Burnout (Wildstorm Comics)
  • Inferno (Marvel Comics)
  • Johnny Storm/Human Torch (Marvel Comics)
  • Sunfire (Marvel Comics)


  • Extreme cold temperatures may counteract or weaken this power such as users of Cold Manipulation or Ice Manipulation, if powerful enough.
  • As the plasma is derived from user's own energy, overuse can deplete energy reserves.
  • Power is more dangerous than general fire. Careless use of it could result in catastrophic collateral damage.