- "All is powerless before the might of my SOUL!"
- ― Brook (One Piece)
The power to have complete control over one’s own soul. Sub-power of Soul Manipulation and Self Supremacy. Technique of Personal Mastery. Not to be confused with Personal Phantasm.
Also Called[]
- Personal Spirit Control/Manipulation
- Self-Soul Control/Manipulation
- Soul/Spiritual Supremacy
User has complete control over their personal soul; the incorporeal and immortal essence of oneself, forever within the presence of the user's sentient being. By controlling one’s soul, users can use their spiritual essence in various ways and the power within it to their every advantage. The metaphysical nature of the user’s soul defines the supernatural effects.
- All/Any Soul Powers
- Ectoplasm Arts
- Enhanced Soul/Strong Soul/Eternal Soul
- Personal Ectoplasm
- Personal Soul Force
- Soul Channeling
- Spiritual Arts
- Soul Absorption/Soul Banishment/Soul Destruction/Soul Mutilation/Soul Removal/Soul Sealing/Soul Trapping
- Using one’s soul can be very difficult.
Known Users[]
- Nemu Kurotsuchi (Bleach)
- Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen) via Idle Transfiguration
- Brook (One Piece)
- Aura users (RWBY)
- M. Bison (Street Fighter)
- Henry Winchester (Supernatural)
Lie Ren (RWBY) use his soul in the form of Aura, using it defensively to defend against a King Taijitu's fangs…
By using energy from his own soul, Henry Winchester (Supernatural) was able to amplify a spell to enable him to Time Travel from 1958 to 2013.