The power to possess a personal vehicle. Sub-power of Vehicle Manipulation. Variation of Personal Objects. Technique of Personal Mastery. Inanimate version of Personal Mount. Not to be confused with Vehicular Symbiosis.
Also Called[]
- Personal Mobile Machine
- Self-Vehicle Manipulation
The user possesses their own personal vehicle. This inanimate transport is supernaturally linked to the user, allowing them immediate access to transportation, as well as other possible capabilities (built-in weaponry, specialized defenses, sensory equipment). Vehicles can range from the mundane (cars, planes, boats) to the highly advanced (spacecraft, military transport) to the supernatural (flying carpets, mystical chariots, time machines). The inherent connection allows them to wield abilities unavailable to others who may have similar mobile machines. Unlike Vehicular Symbiosis, the vehicle is not necessarily living and/or semi-living, nor does its existence require the wielder’s essence.
- Self-Vehicle Manipulation-All Variations
- Automobile Empowerment
- Aircraft Manipulation
- Aliencraft Manipulation
- Armored Fighting Vehicle Manipulation
- Fantasycraft Manipulation
- Motor Vehicle Manipulation
- Spacecraft Manipulation
- Watercraft Manipulation
- Part Manipulation
- Size Manipulation
- Velocity Manipulation
- Vehicle Augmentation
- Vehicle Creation
- Vehicular Mastery-All Variations (Depending on the vehicle the user uses)
- Vehicle Summoning
- Users of Activation & Deactivation/Malfunction Manipulation/Object Negation/Obsolescence/Technology Stopping may be able to defeat user.
- May only be able to manipulate certain type of vehicle.
- May be required to maintain physical integrity of vehicle.
- May be limited by vehicle’s physical capabilities (storage, speed, etc.).
- May be limited by vehicle’s size.
Known Users[]
- Magic Carpet Users (Charmed)
- Darkstars (DC Comics)
- Helios (DC Comics)
- Orion (DC Comics)
- Mr. Popo (Dragon Ball series)
- Sawyer/Racer (Fairy Tail)
- Paine (Final Fantasy X-2); via Full Throttle
- Rikku (Final Fantasy X-2); via Machina Maw
- Johnny 13 (Danny Phantom)
- Kamen Riders (Kamen Rider series)
- Kirby (Kirby series); via UFO Copy Ability
- Ghost Riders (Marvel Comics)
- Norrin Radd/Silver Surfer (Marvel Comics)
- Abdul Qamar/Arabian Knight (Marvel Comics)
- Deputy Kowalski/Vengeance (Marvel Comics)
- Dave Raj/Non-Stop (Minoriteam)
- Kai (Ninjago series)
- Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)
- Futaba Sakura (Persona 5)
- Team Star Leaders (Pokémon)
- Various Rangers (Power Rangers series)
- Ranger X (Ranger X)
- Starcast (Skylanders series)