The power to take on the traits of a Pesanta. Mix of Black Dog and Nocturnal Spirit Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Pesanta Mimicry
Users of this ability are either a Pesanta or can mimic the traits of one, in Catalan folklore a Pesanta is a malevolent black dog that attacks people in their sleep, climbing onto their chest and giving them terrible nightmares - this makes them a type of Nocturnal Spirit, which has its roots in the phenomena know known as sleep paralysis.
- Immortality
- Intangibility
- Invisibility
- Canine Physiology
- Powerful Bite
- Supernatural Senses
- Supernatural Strength
- Size Manipulation
- Paralysis Inducement
- Nightmare Magic
- Weight Manipulation
- Demonic Force Manipulation
- Magical Energy Manipulation
- Dimensional Travel
- Vulnerable to divine relics, rituals and prayers due to their evil nature.
Known Users[]
- Pesanta (Catalan Folklore)