Superpower Wiki

The power to manipulate the pheromones of oneself or others. Sub-power Body Chemistry Manipulation and Hormone Manipulation. Variation of Body ManipulationEmotion Manipulation and Alchemy.

Also Called[]

  • Feromonikinesis
  • Pherokinesis
  • Pheromone Control


The user has complete control over pheromones, a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species, of oneself and others, including releasing pheromones that induce attraction between subjects (or within a subject for oneself), to exuding pheromones strong enough to induce sleep, change/influence emotions, draw crowds, etc.

Pheromones may induce a pleasure or may put subjects into a state of high suggestibility (either of which is useful for limited mind control). Other uses of these pheromones can be used to mark territory (causing people to feel the compulsion to not go into a certain area), or to leave a pheromone path which others can follow. The user's pheromones may even increase stamina, slightly stimulate the healing process or (used offensively) cause foes to become disoriented, violent or extremely sick.






  • Users of Empathic Shield (Highly Resistant)
  • May be limited to manipulating the pheromones of others or only themselves.
  • Some users may only be able to control a particular gender (usually opposite of user's own).
  • Strong will-powered victim may be a problem.

Known Users[]

