Superpower Wiki
"I am somewhat preoccupied with telling the laws of physics to sit down and shut up."
― Vaarsuvius (The Order of the Stick)

The power to manipulate the laws of physics. Sub-power of Science Manipulation.

Also Called[]

  • Physics Alteration/Bending/Control
  • Laws of Physics Manipulation
  • Natural Mechanics Alteration/Manipulation
  • Physikinesis
  • Physical Law Warping


The user can create, shape, and manipulate the Laws of Physics, everything dealing with matter and its motion and behavior through space and time, along with related concepts such as energy and force, including momentum, friction, vectors, inertia, etc. They could, for example, change the direction a ball moves and how fast it travels.

The user can focus on the three major fields of physics: Relativity, focusing on the macro (largest things) universe, Classical Physics, focusing on the moderately sized (most closely related to day-to-day life), or Quantum Physics, focusing on the micro (smallest things) universe.

Applications (General)[]

Physics Techniques[]

Fields of physics[]

Applications (Detailed)[]






  • May be uncontrollable at a low level.
  • May be highly reactive to magic.
  • User may need to have sufficient scientific knowledge to manipulate physics effectively.
  • Control may be limited to a specific form of physical laws.

Known Users[]

Known Objects[]

  • Prisms (Cookie Clicker)
  • Space Gem (Marvel Comics)
  • Cosmic Cube (Marvel Comics)
  • Staff of One (Marvel Comics)
  • Eye of Harmony (Doctor Who)
  • The Augorithm (TENƎꓕ)


