- "There ain't nobody bigger'n this guy. He can be your best friend or your worst enemy."
- ― Joe Colton, "The War Never Ends"
The power to transform into or have a physical body made up of a planet. Technique of Planetary Manipulation. Variation of Astronomical Mimicry.
Also Called[]
- Archetype:Planetary Entity
- Living Planet Physiology
- Planet/Planetary Physiology/Transformation
User is made up of or can transform their body completely into a planet. Users' transformed form is anatomically identical to their normal form, aside of being made of planetary matter, in which case, it contains all to organs and is somewhat vulnerable to attacks. Alternately, the user can transform into homogeneous matter, without any part of their form being more important than the other.
User can manipulate the elements within them and the lifeforms that inhabit them, their gravity field, etc., possibly being able to move through space of their own volition.
- Nature Embodiment
- Personal Geology
- Psychic Communication
- Self Planetary Life-Force Manipulation
- Self Planetary Manipulation
- Geophysics Manipulation
- Personal Gravity; planetary levels
- Ley Line Manipulation
- Self-Sustenance
- Self Terraforming
- The user's core is vulnerable to energy bursts powerful enough that could destroy them.
- User's personality may be possessive or child-like and could prove harmful to visitors.
Known Users[]
See Also: Genius Loci
- Anthropomorphic Celestial Bodies (Madowanai Hoshi)
- General Rilldo (Dragon Ball series)
- Moro (Dragon Ball series); After merging with Earth
- Thanatos (Dragonaut: The Resonance)
- Remina (Hellstar Remina)
- Dark Oak, Black Narcissus and Pale Bayleaf (Sonic X); only in third Final Mova form
Cartoons/Animated Series[]
- Warren Ampersand (Adventure Time); via Shapeshifting
- Galileans
- Gravattack (Ben 10)
- Evolved Galilean
- Ultimate Gravattack (Ben 10)
- Brainiac (DCAU)
- Masativo (Duck Dodgers)
- Gaia (Rick & Morty)
- Planet Janet (Wonder Over Yonder)
- Erodius the Planet Killer (Kid Cosmic)
- Mogo (DC Comics)
- Raga (DC Comics)
- Ranx (DC Comics)
- Topographical Man (Marvel Comics)
- Ego the Living Planet (Marvel Comics)
- Doom the Living Planet (Marvel Comics)
Movies/TV Series[]
- Ego the Living Planet (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Earth (Kamen Rider W)
- Firemars (Kamen Rider Gotchard)
- Gaiard (Kamen Rider Gotchard)
- Grandsaturn (Kamen Rider Gotchard)
- Jupitta (Kamen Rider Gotchard)
- Kinkiravina (Kamen Rider Gotchard)
- Mercurin (Kamen Rider Gotchard)
Tabletop/Video Games[]
- Democratus (Anachronox)
- The Brethren Moons (Dead Space)
- Xion (Phantasy Star Online 2)
- Pluto (OMORI)
- The End (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Planette (Yooka-Laylee)
Web Series[]
- Planetary Pals (CRiTORA)
- The Iris (Gemini Home Entertainment)
- SCP-007 - Abdominal Planet (SCP Foundation)
- SCP-736 - The Iapetus Anomaly (SCP Foundation)
- Ghroth (Cthulhu mythos)
- Gaia (Greek Mythology)
- Primus (Transformers)
- Unicron (Transformers)
- Atlas (Transformers)
Transformers Franchise[]
Primus (Transformers) is the creator-God of the Transformers. An ancient and ethereal being whose origins date back to the beginnings of the universe itself, Primus is a multiversal force for good, his life force existing across multiple realities and infinite alternate universes. In each one, he is the final defense against his fallen sibling, Unicron the Chaos-Bringer.
Unicron (Transformers) is the eternal archenemy of his twin brother Primus. Also known as the Lord of Chaos, the Chaos Bringer, and the Planet Eater, he is dedicated to consuming the multiverse. His massive form is powered by the consumption of planets, moons, stars, and even the very fabric of existence.
Primus (Ben 10) appears as a jungle-like planet, full of vegetation and various unintelligent alien life forms, some of whom are dangerous.
Movies/TV Series[]
Ghroth (Cthulhu mythos) is an Outer God that resembles a rust-colored moon with a single gigantic red eye that it closes to avoid detection. It drifts throughout the universe while singing its siren song, The Music of the Spheres. Any Great Old Ones or Outer Gods sleeping on a planet it passes is awakened by its call. As Groth gets closer to a world, the planet experiences natural disasters in the form of erupting volcanoes, tidal waves, earthquakes, changing tides, and horrific storms.
Web Series[]
The Iris (Gemini Home Entertainment) is a giant eye, watching over the other planets, particularly Earth. The Iris has "mutated" Neptune, as stated in the "Our Solar System" video. As of now, it has not been revealed what exactly happened to Neptune beyond this. We then see them use Neptune to help transfer its Inhabitants. They seem to be using them to "mutate" Earth. What they plan to do with the Solar System afterwards is unknown.