Superpower Wiki
Superpower Wiki

The power to create bows and arrows out of planetary energy/substances. Sub-power of Planetary Constructs. Variation of Bow Construction.

Also Called[]

  • Planet Bow Creation/Construction/Generation
  • Planetary Bow Creation/Generation


The user can construct bows (including crossbows) and arrows from nothing or by shaping existing planetary energy/substances allowing them to attack from distance. Depending on what the weapon is made of, it can possess a variety of abilities and be very effective in both offensive and defensive combat.




  • Most users need both of their hands to use bow effectively.
  • May be unable to create planetary energy, being limited to manipulating already existing sources.
  • How long the bow lasts depends on the user's skill and power; some may need near constant attention, while others are effectively permanent.

Known Users[]

  • Minerva (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII)