The ability to project spikes of plant-matter. Sub-power to Plant Attacks. Variation of Organic Spike Projection.
Also Called[]
- Plant/Thorn Projectiles/Projection
The user can create and project needles/spikes of plant-matter to impale targets. These spikes can be projected in mid-air or generated from the ground; potentially creating a trail of needles.
Known Users[]
- Wildvine (Ben 10 2016)
- Obyn Greenfoot (Bloons)
- Undergrowth (Danny Phantom)
- Mard Geer (Fairy Tail)
- Aldoron (Fairy Tail: The 100 Years Quest)
- Unnamed Shiehassaikai Thug (My Hero Academia); via Leaf Manipulation
- Usopp (One Piece)
- Bark Demons (Skylanders)
- Tree Rex (Skylanders)
- Ambush (Skylanders)
- Gloxinia (The Seven Deadly Sins); via Basquias Form Nine