The power to manipulate plasmoids. Combination of Plasma Manipulation and Magnetic Force-Field.
The user can create, shape, and manipulate plasmoids: coherent structures of plasma and magnetic fields. Plasmoids have been proposed to explain natural phenomena such as ball lightning, magnetic bubbles in the magnetosphere, and objects in cometary tails, in the solar wind, in the solar atmosphere, and in the heliospheric current sheet. Plasmoids produced in the laboratory include field-reversed configurations, spheromaks, and dense plasma focuses.
- Electromagnetism Manipulation
- Ionic Manipulation
- Magnetic Force-Field
- Plasma Manipulation
- Stellar Manipulation: Stars are essentially plasmoids but on a more massive scale.
- Electricity Manipulation
- Lightning Manipulation
- Plasma Ball Projection
- Plasma Infusion
- Magnetic Infusion
- Magnetic Ball Projection
- Users of Plasma Manipulation and Electromagnetism Manipulation may be able to manipulate plasmoids.
Known Users[]
- Jesus (The Scroll)
- Plasmoid (Plasmoid)
- Jubilee (Marvel Comics)