The power to use the abilities of a Pleaidian. Variation of Alien Physiology.
Also Called[]
- Nordic Alien Physiology
- Space Brother Physiology
Users of this ability can either mimic the traits of a Pleaidian or are one, these aliens are also known as "Nordic" aliens due to their strikingly human-like appearance, often with brilliant blue eyes and golden hair (though they can easily alter their form due to advanced spiritual and technological capabilities) - they are considered semi-spiritual beings and have strong ties both with UFO folklore, conspiracy theories and New Age movements.
Unlike many other aliens they are seen as benevolent and are often referred to as "Space Brothers", with some believing them to be a type of human who left Earth in the ancient past and took to the stars, they are believed to be trying to aid humanity in ascending to new levels of civilization and are traditionally opposed by the Reptoids and Greys.
Applications (General)[]
- Various Alien Powers: Abilities and powers that are relating to extraterrestrial beings.
Applications (Detailed)[]
- Alien: An extraterrestrial/alien: life forms that are of extraterrestrial origin or originate from beyond the Earth. Given the near-infinite variety of possible extraterrestrials, even only the ones in fiction, a user can conceivably use nearly any power.
- Alien Blood: Possesses blood of extraterrestrial origins in comparison to non-aliens (like humans or superior humans).
- Psionics: Use various forms of psychic abilities/powers, including telekinesis, telepathy, teleportation, technopathy, foresight, etc.
- Shapeshifting: Change shape, size, color, density, texture, cellular composition, and/or atomic composition to mimic qualities, impersonate entities, amplify abilities, and/or traverse environments. The origins of this power play a significant role in their capabilities and limitations; altering oneself on a cellular, atomic, and/or conceptual level will permit varying degrees of alteration; while methods that defy the laws of reality, such as magic, will most likely keep to their own set of conventions.
- Science-Magic Mixture: The user is able to combine scientific and magical forces to achieve a variety of feats.
- Science-Magic Ascendancy: Advanced Pleaidians (often known as "Ascended Masters") could possesses abilities beyond the laws of science and/or magic, resulting in the user being of unfathomable power and capable of incredible feats; their powers are inexplicable to either side and seemingly accomplish completely illogical/irrational actions/effects to both. (Varies)
- Science-Magic Lordship: Control over Science and Magic, allowing them to have limitless control over everything/everyone that is connected to either magical and/or scientific means in any way. (Varies)
- Science-Magic Manipulation: Manipulate science and magic, how they interact/go together, how compatible they are, the results of science and magic going together, from how technology works with magic and how chemicals are altered by magic, etc.
- Science-Magic Mastery: Have innately or through training, is a master of science and magic, how they interact/go together, how compatible they are, the results of science and magic going together, from how technology works with magic and how chemicals are altered by magic, etc.
- Science-Magic Weaponry: Wield or create weapons with the combined power/properties of science and magic, which grants the user a wide variety of both scientific and magical abilities.
- Unique: Possesses unique physiology, a term used to describe the nature of some characters to have certain advantages over normal human beings. It reflects a character's biological heritage, maybe from the evolution of their species over the centuries.
- Anomalous Event Manipulation
- Science-Magic Mixture
- Enhanced Condition
- Enhanced Intelligence
- Super Science
- Telepathy
- Telekinesis
- Ascended Physiology: Advanced Pleaidians have this trait (often known as "Ascended Masters").
- Dimensional Travel
- Unknown (possibly vulnerable to attacks from advanced alien races such as the Grey, Reptoids and the Hairy Dwarfs.)
- While both technologically and spiritually advanced they are still mortal to some degree thus can be killed by violence or non-conventional means (except for Ascended Masters, who are fully immortal.)
- Some types of Alien Slayers would be the natural counter to these beings due to their extra-terrestrial origins (in the case of Ascended Masters their counter would be Divine Slayers).
Known Users[]
- Pleadians/Nordic Aliens (Modern Legends)