- "Loch Ness Monster?"
"Loch Ness Monster is more interesting."
"Interesting and nonexistent." - ― Shepard and EDI (Mass Effect 3)
The power to use the abilities of plesiosaurs. Variation of Ancient Reptile Physiology.
The user either is or can mimic/transform into plesiosaurs.
Known Users[]
See Also: Stock Ness Monster.
- Torloch (Dicefolk)
- Plesiomon (Digimon)
- Futabasaurus (Dinosaur King)
- Piisuke (Doraemon)
- Elasmo and Plesio (Fossil Fighters)
- Nessie (Freddie as F.R.O.7.)
- Loch Ness Monsters (Gargoyles)
- Nessies (The Hidden Loch)
- Plesiosaurs/Longneck Swimmers (The Land Before Time)
- Plesio Surf (Mega Man Star Force)
- Ahuizotl (The Ocean Hunter)
- Nosey (Phineas and Ferb)
- Lapras (Pokémon)
- Slothunog (Redwall: High Rhulain); dragon-plesiosaur hybrid
- Dorrie (Super Mario series)
- Plessie (Super Mario series)
- Dinomist Plesios (Yu-Gi-Oh!)
- Nessie (Hungry Shark Evolution)
- Cryptocledius (Godzilla: The Series)
- Aqoxturumox (Creatures Of Sonaria)