Superpower Wiki
"How ?! How can you be so powerful ?!"
― Chakravartin, making a valid point. (Asura's Wrath)

The ability to draw invincible power directly from the writer. Ultimate version of Self-Power Augmentation.

Also Called

  • Plot Power


User can draw exponential and virtually invincible power directly from the will of the writer, either gradually or through sudden bursts of overwhelming superiority, allowing them to crush opponents that for all intents and purposes should be utterly beyond them.

Due to the narrative nature of the empowerment, the source of users' incredible capabilities remains incomprehensible to other characters, who for some reason never seem to care much nor consider it as something worth investigating.




  • The power is generally temporary.

Known Users

  • Asura (Asura's Wrath)
  • Buddy Baker/Animal Man (DC Comics)
  • Captain Hero (Drawn to Life)
  • Conker (Conker's Bad Fur Day)
  • James Heller (Prototype 2)
  • Nathan Drake (Uncharted series)
  • Saitama (One-Punch Man)

Known Objects

  • Narrativium (Discworld)