- "CHUBBY POWER! Human Boulder!!"
- ― Choji Akimichi (Naruto)
The power to be able to body slam targets with great force. Sub-power of Supernatural and Absolute Strength.
Also Called[]
- Mega Body
- Power Body Slam
- Strong Body
- Weaponized Body
The user possesses great physical strength and speed in their whole body, allowing them to use a powerful body slam that can knock someone out, break things or destroy structures.
- The user's bones may become fractured or broken if they are not strong enough.
- Repeated use may result in internal damage.
Known Users[]
- Various Characters (Baki the Grappler)
- Yuuichiro Hanma
- Yuujiro Hanma
- Biscuit Oliva
- Pickle
- Crash Bandicoot (Crash Bandicoot)
- Bruce Wayne/Batman (DC Comics)
- Slade Wilson/Deathstroke (DC Comics)
- Members of the Yato tribe (Gintama)
- Various Wrestlers (Kinnikuman)
- Ryuu Sen (Kingdom)
- Kirby (Kirby series); via Backdrop/Suplex
- Yuri (Mahou? Sonna Koto yori Kinniku da!)
- Hulk (Marvel Comics)
- Mash Burnedead (Mashle: Magic and Muscles)
- Akimichi Clan (Naruto)
- Front Lotus Users (Naruto)
- Yama (One Piece)
- Ryuu Sen (Kingdom)
- Pokemon who can learn "Body Slam" (Pokemon)
- Lezly ''Big Lez'' Mackerel (The Big Lez Show)
- Zangief (Street Fighter)
- Practitioners of the Hercules Method (The Strange Talent of Luther Strode)
- Leonard Williams/Tyrone Cash (Ultimate Marvel Comics)
- Various Characters (Image Comics)
- Mii Brawler (Super Smash Bros)
- Big the Cat (Sonic the Hedgehog)
- Dinosaurs (Dinosaur King)
Known Objects[]
- Perfected Hulk Serum Pill (Ultimate Marvel Comics)
Ryuu Sen (Kingdom) slamming Fu Tei with such great force that he knocks the Zhao commander off the south wall of Sai.