Kars (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency)
Guild of Strange Science (Marvel Comics)
Mask Maker (Pokémon)
Loki (Son of the Mask)
First Ninja (Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja/RC: 9GN)
Forbidden Five (Ninjago: Dragons Rising)
Hakuri Sazanami (Kagurabachi)
The Ta-Matoran (Bionicle) were Matorans who specializes craftsmanship with some taking the duty of mask makers.
Vakama (Bionicle) back when he was a Matoran.
Toa Vakama (Bionicle) was once a Ta-Matoran who specialized in mask making before he was a Toa.
Kars (JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Part II: Battle Tendency), creator of Stone Masks.
Long ago, the First Ninja (RC: 9GN) created a mystical Ninja Mask, which transforms into a Ninja Suit when the mask is put on, from the feathers of a demon called the Tengu and the demon feathers infused the suit with mysterious powers.
The Forbidden Five (Ninjago: Dragons Rising) created Wolf Masks that enhances the user's abilities, but for an Elemental Master it grants them the ability to use Shatterspin.