The power/ability to possess/have and use/utilize any type of power. Sub-power of Superpower Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Ability/Superpower Utilizing
- Ability/Power/Superpower Use
- Ability/Power/Superpower
The user has a power/superpower and can use/utilize it.
User can use the power for any/all purposes:
- Attack Powers: Users can use their powers for attacks/offensive purposes.
- Combat Powers: Users can use their powers for combat.
- Defense Powers: Users can use their powers for defensive purposes.
- Support Powers: Users can use their powers for support.
- Transportation Powers: Users can use their powers for transportation.
- Utility Powers: Users can use their powers for mundane and functional uses like cooking, cleaning, art and entertainment.
User can have any/all type of power:
- Anima Power
- Beastial Power
- Biotic Power
- Blood Power
- Bodyguard Power
- Card Power
- Chaste Power
- Chi Power
- Chrono Power
- Conditional Power
- Creative Power
- Dark Power
- Dragon Power
- Dream Power
- Efficient Power
- Elemental Zodiac Power
- Emotional Power
- Empathic Power
- Esoteric Power
- Fictional Power
- Folding Power
- Illusive Power
- Inner Power/Inner Power/Absolute
- Hatred Power
- Human Power
- Light Power
- Literary Power
- Love Power
- Lunar Power
- Magic Power/Superior Magical Power
- Manifested Power
- Mask Power
- Monstrous Power
- Mythical Power
- Necro Power
- Psychic Power
- Raw Power
- Sacrificial Power
- Self-Adaptive Power
- Sentient Power
- Situational Power
- Solar Power
- Soul-Bound Power
- Spiritual Power
- Star Power
- Symbolism Power
- Theorized Power
- True Power
- Ultimate Power
- Universal Power
- Winter Power
Known Users[]
- Various Characters (Various Media)
- Guardians (Destiny series)
- Johnny Cage (Mortal Kombat)
- Xerneas (Pokémon)