The ability to ignore program, procedures, and systems. Sub-power of Programming and System Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Program Bypassing/Ignoring/Rejection
- Procedure Defiance/Bypassing/Ignoring/Rejection
- System Defiance/Bypassing/Ignoring/Rejection
The user can defy/ignore any program, procedure, or system. They can cause machines and technology to work against their programming to work the way the user wants them to work. If the user is a machine or they have a implant in them with programs that control them, they can ignore them with ease. It doesn't have to be technological in nature. The programs could be psychological as well. The user could be able to defy someone's hypnotic programming too. It could even be possible to defy reality if it is the Grand Design by a higher being since such a thing would require some form of system in place to keep things running
- Control Immunity
- Defiance Inducement: Causing machines/ computers/ system to defy what they are programmed to do.
- Hacking Mastery
- Technology Immunity
- May not be able to ignore programs completely.
- May have a set duration on which they can ignore programs.
Known Users[]
- Hal Jordan (DC Comics)