The power to be completely immune and negate growth, evolution, experience, progression, learning and teaching based powers. Variation of Power Immunity and Power Negation.
Also Called[]
- Evolution/Progression Anchoring
- Experience/Growth Immunity
- Learning/Teaching Negation
User is immune and negates powers related to growing, experience, evolution, progression, learning and teaching, being completely invulnerable to direct and indirect effects, potentially even capable of preventing those powers from taking effect at all around them.
- Growth Negation
- Power Negation/Power Negation Field (Towards Experience, Evolution, Progression, Learning and Teaching Based Powers)
- Regression/Devolution
- Immunity Bypassing can affect the user.
- May affect the user, thus preventing the user from progressing, evolving, or gaining any experience and rendering them at the same level.
- Users of Eternal Evolution, Superior Adaptation, Meta Learning and Meta Teaching may be able bypass the immunity.
Known Users[]
- Anti-Spirals (Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann)