The ability to manipulate psychic death-force. Psychic variation of Death-Force Manipulation. Opposite to Psychic Life-Force Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Psychic Death Energy Control/Manipulation
- Psychic Killing Energy Control/Manipulation
- Psycho-Thanatokinesis
The user can create, shape and manipulate psychic death-force, allowing them to detect dying thoughts/ideas, deaden brainwaves and/or reanimate mind sets.
- Deaden brain waves.
- Sense dying thoughts.
- Psychic Death-Force Attacks
- Psychic Death-Force Constructs
- Psychic Death-Force Generation
- Psychic Death-Force Physiology
- Reanimate mind sets.
- May be difficult to control.
- May inadvertently affect undesired target.
- May be useless on non-living target.
- Psychic Life-Force Manipulation can counter or even neutralize this.
- Users of Psychic Shield (highly resistant) and Psychic Immunity (impervious).
Known Users[]
- Condemn Psynergy Users (Golden Sun)
- Curse Psynergy Users (Golden Sun)
- Haunt Psynergy Users (Golden Sun)
- Sports Maxx (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part VI: Stone Ocean); via Limp Bizkit
- Marie-Ange Colbert/Tarot (Marvel Comics)
- Dead Girl (Marvel Comics)
- Melody Jacobs/Threnody (Marvel Comics)
- Thought bomb Users (Star Wars)
- Alarak (StarCraft); via Soul absorption
- Sarah Kerrigan (StarCraft); via Extinction