The power to manipulate the beneficial aspects of the twilight. Combination of Twilight Manipulation and Positive Forces Manipulation. Variation of Twilight Manipulation. Opposite to Dark Twilight Manipulation. Not to be confused with Divine Twilight Manipulation.
Also Called[]
- Beneficial Twilight Manipulation
- Gentle Twilight Manipulation
- Nurturing Twilight Manipulation
- Positive Twilight Manipulation
- Vital Twilight Manipulation
User can create, shape and manipulate twilight of a beneficial nature; that which strengthens, enhances and causes anything/everything they come across to flourish, representing the sustaining and preserving side of nature, which in turn ignores most of the common limitations and weaknesses of their normal elemental varieties. In essence, this is about solely controlling the positive powers of nature itself.
- Fertility Inducement
- Healing Augmentation
- Life-Force Augmentation
- Physical Augmentation
- Purification
- Pure Darkness Manipulation
- Pure Light Manipulation
- Twilight Manipulation
- Divine Force Manipulation
- Esoteric Element Manipulation
- Life Force Manipulation
- Light Energy Manipulation
- Positive Forces Manipulation
- Pure Element Manipulation
- Pure Chi Manipulation
- Pure Aura Manipulation
- Spiritual Element Manipulation
- Distance, mass, precision, etc. depend upon of the knowledge, skill, and strength of the user, and their power's natural limits.
- What the user gains in versatility/fine control, they lose in sheer power.
Known Objects[]
- Coral Gem (Winx Club)