The power to swim in liquefied ground. Sub-power of Liquid Ground Manipulation. Variation of Sand Swimming.
Also Called[]
- Liquid Ground Swimming
- Tar Swimming
The user can swim in quicksand, tar and other similar substances. With this, the user does not sink in such substances, but can move around them with no trouble at all and even escape them.
- Earth Swimming
- Enhanced/Supernatural Agility
- Enhanced/Supernatural Endurance
- Enhanced/Supernatural Speed
- Enhanced Swimming
- Liquid Current Defiance
- Liquid Movement
- Liquid Ground Manipulation
- Quicksand Generation
- Sinkability
- Solid Movement
- Speed Swimming
- Supernatural Swimming
- Swimming Intuition
- Underground Maneuverability
- Unrestricted Movement
- Water Maneuverability
- If they can't breathe in liquefied ground, they can still drown.
- Can be cancelled by Swimming Negation.
Known Users[]
- Sandworm (Sonic the Hedgehog)