- "You can't use the same move on me twice. My body remembers and compensates the next round."
- ― Son Goku (Dragon Ball GT)
The power to become immune to anything that is used on the user the first time. Superior version of Adaptive Resistance.
Also Called[]
- Adaptive Immunity
- Reactive Immunity/Proof/Proofness
- Reactive Durability/Imperviousness/Invulnerability/Protection
The user can become instantly immune to anything that is used against them.
- Cold Immunity (after if frozen)
- Electrical Immunity (after if electrocuted)
- Fire Immunity (after if burned)
- Invulnerability (after if beaten repeatedly, shot, or stabbed)
- Things that can instantly kill the user (One Hit Kill, Death Inducement, etc.) will not give them a chance to become immune to them.
- Absolute/Omnipotent powers bypass the immunity.
- May include abilities such as Healing and Resurrection.
- Immunity Bypassing/Negation/Removal are the perfect counters, though some users may develop an immunity to them too
- May not last forever.
Known Users[]
- Yhwach (Bleach); via The Almighty
- Satou Pendragon (Death March to Parallel World Rhapsody)
- Son Goku (Dragon Ball series)
- NEO (Toriko)
- Doomsday (DC Comics)
- Protege (Marvel Comics); via Adaptive Power Replication
Live Television[]
- Matthew Tate (Charmed); via Adaptive Power Replication.
- Dean Winchester (Supernatural); via Mark of Cain
Video Games[]
- Omega (Anima: Beyond Fantasy); as the Lord of Infinity
As well as gaining the ability, Matthew Tate (Charmed) becomes immune to any power used against him.
After being frozen by Eis Shenron's Ice Ray once, Goku (Dragon Ball GT) quickly compensates and recalls it...
After Abaddon used Telekinesis against him, Dean Winchester (Supernatural) became immune to it, thanks to the Mark of Cain