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The ability to undo any effects caused via Reality Warping. Variation of Power Negation.

Also Called

  • Anti-Reality Warping


The user can undo any affects a reality warper has caused on an area, allowing:

  • Causing animated objects to go back into an inanimate state.
  • Anyone resurrected drops dead.
  • Power Erasure by undoing a reality warper's Power Bestowal.
  • Power Bestowal by undoing a reality warper's Power Erasure
  • Reality warpers turn back to their true form.
  • Cause a created alternate universe to be deleted.
  • Any created item or being will be deleted.
  • Rewrite the laws of physics back to their original state.
  • High Level users may be able to restore reality at a universal level


  • This ability cancels all reality warping effects, without distinction.
  • May be restricted to a limited area (a city block, a city, a planet) until the user is trained enough to go further

Known Users

  • Valeria Richards (Marvel Comics)