The power to enter a dormant state as a cocoon, from which the user emerges fully rejuvenated. Combination of Healing Coma and Cocoon Generation.
Also Called[]
- Healing Cocoon
The user can wrap themselves in a cocoon in order to heal and be prevented from further harm, and returns to normal when they have fully healed.
- User is completely helpless while cocooned.
Known Users[]
- Adam Warlock (Marvel Comics)
- Kerghan (Arcanum)
- Peter Parker/Spider-Man (Marvel Comics)
- Xi'an Chi Xan/Desert Ghost (Marvel Comics)
- Desbrachian (Metroid: Other M)
- Godzilla (Godzilla: Singular Point); Amphibia form
- Kaiko Itsuki (Mato Seihei no Slave/Chained Soldier); via Miracle Care
- Chesed (Monster Strike: The Animation); via his turban
Known Objects[]
- Cellular Regenerator (Spider-Man; Edge of Time)
Miguel O'Hara/Spider-Man 2099 (Spider-Man; Edge of Time) places Peter Parker/Amazing Spider-Man in the cellular regenerator…