Superpower Wiki
"Paul: So Satan is also real?
God: Yes but frankly Satan is overrated
Paul: Overrated? That’s a funny way of putting it, how so?
God: He only has power to the extent you give it to him."
― Paul and God (An Interview With God)

The ability to become as powerful as another perceives oneself as being. Not be confused with Belief Dependent Physiology.

Also Called[]

  • Perception Dependent Strength
  • Psychological Metaphysical Conversion


The user can become as powerful as another perceives them as being. If their opponent perceives the user as being strong or threatening, they will become so. If the user is perceived as some all-powerful evil monster that is what they will become.



  • Theorized Power: Control what powers one may possess by controlling the perception of which.



  • If the user is perceived as weak by their opponent or themselves, they will become weaker as a result.
  • Switching forms may be involuntary.

Known Users[]

  • Dragon (Fire Force)
  • Brian Banner (Marvel Comics)
  • It (Stephen King's It)