- "Ugh, can't a guy zap a pine or two without everybody making a whole dogma out of it?"
- ― Thor (The Order of the Stick)
- "That's what religion is. Its not about being good or bad, its just blind subservience to an imaginary being."
- ― God (Family Guy)
The ability to become the embodiment of religion. Variation of Concept Embodiment.
Also Called[]
- Covenant Embodiment
- Religion Incarnate
- The Religious
- The Living Religion
- The Walking Religion
Users become the living embodiment of religion, a set of variously organized beliefs about the relationship between natural and supernatural aspects of reality. The user can become stronger with religious beliefs or use religious attack pertaining to their faith.
- Absolute Spirituality
- Belief Manipulation
- Civilization Manipulation
- Divine-Demonic Force Manipulation
- Existential Pathology
- Faithifery
- Mythical Plane Lordship
- Prayer Manipulation
- Sacrifice Embodiment
- Belief Empowerment
- Concept Embodiment
- Destiny Manipulation
- Fate Lordship
- Magic
- Philosophy-Based Powers
- If there is no religion, then they are not the embodiment.
Known Users[]
- Religimon (The Authority)
- Magic Itself (Elenium)
- Daena (Persian Mythology)